Business Titans

The “Business Titans” is a collection of Mixed “Media” constructed with the intention of re-introducing the history of such times prior to the technological revolution which has trumped our media and minds. Combined is a taste of mid century marketing aesthetics with a touch of business belligerence.


A Load of Pipe

“A Load of Pipe” features a backdropped advertisement from the 1940’s for United States Steel which depicts a young, ambitious, and unfazed group of children ready and willing to do what it takes to make it in a capitalistic society. The foreground is taken from various advertisements in Life, Colliers, and Playboy, representing the competitiveness and stresses stemming from the race to the gold.



Adventures of Fun

“Adventures of Fun" is all about good taste… and commanding a salary that allows one to make purchases to please your woman. Or, women. The piece suggests the exploration into the male psyche of success, and the ability to please (or seek pleasure) within. Playboy cutout from mid 1970’s. foreshadowed by a Lincoln advertisement from circa 1955.

Adventures of Fun.Web.jpg

Original: 13”x18” analog with a clear acrylic coat for preservation. Digitized: 40”x60” high resolution .jpeg. Animated: 4K HD .mov file.


Fade in Fade Out

“Fade in Fade Out” features a circa late 1970’s article covering the glooming economy, with cutouts taken from the cover which represent the crashing stock market. Capitalism is the way in the USA, however if you want to play in the major leagues, you best be prepared to endure the ups and downs. With the ups, come the goods.

Original: analog, 10”x15”, preserved with a clear acrylic coat.  Digitized: 40”x60'“ high res jpeg. Animated: 4K .mov file.

Original: analog, 10”x15”, preserved with a clear acrylic coat. Digitized: 40”x60'“ high res jpeg. Animated: 4K .mov file.



Courtship is weirder than “ours.” A solid conclusion and anecdote will never come for the games that we play, for the rules are dynamic and we’ll never quite figure each other out. However there is one thing that remains constant, and our (men’s) eyes will always be fixated on that one thing………

Games WEB.jpg

Ripped Off


Sell it. Sell the dream. Sell the desire. It’s common to have the ambition for self improvement, and even more common to have the role-girl-next-door-model selling it to the public… if they’d like to get anywhere, if ever. Pieces taken from 1970’s era playboy, with the sales pitch directly in the bulls-eye.

Original: analog, 8”x11’, preserved with a clear acrylic coat.  Digitized: 40”x60'“ high res jpeg. Animated: 4K .mov file.

Original: analog, 8”x11’, preserved with a clear acrylic coat. Digitized: 40”x60'“ high res jpeg. Animated: 4K .mov file.